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Design causes emotions whatever language we speak, whatever place we come from.
A lot of everyday products can be much more aesthetic and functional
if we bring sense and details to their design.I would rather not explain my work,
because I would like the user to feel it and get used to it. I base my work on the following thoughts,
inspired by my Japanese culture.

- Design must speak for itself, not need explanations, be intuitive.
- it must be original and generate emotion.

Those are the values that have always led my creations.

1977 : Born in Japan
2005-2010: Worked under Christophe Pillet.
2010: Established Agence Dai Sugasawa in Paris
2010: Invite Apple inc. (Cupertino) 
2010: Invite Philippe STARCK
2010 - Today : Freelance Designer + for Philippe STARCK

1977年 日本に生まれる
2005-2010 : クリストフ ピエの元で師事
2010 : パリにてAgence Dai Sugasawaを立ち上げる
2010 : アップルデザインチームから招待を受ける
2010 : 同週末フィリップ スタルクから招待を受ける
2010~現在 : フィリップ スタルクの元でフリーランスデザイナーにてプロジェクトチーフを担当すると共に、

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